Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C Injection

Category: Other Injections

Product Name: Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C Injection
Brand Name: NA
Place of Origin: France
Key Ingrediants: Vitamin C & Collagen
Retail Price: NA
Wholesale Price: Contact Us

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Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C & Collagen Injection

Transform your skincare routine with the innovative Neutro Skin Lemon & Kiwi Gold Vitamin C & Collagen Injection, a groundbreaking solution infused with the goodness of natural antioxidants for a flawless, youthful complexion. Designed for those aiming for radiant, rejuvenated skin, this advanced formulation is a beacon in the realm of beauty injections.


Embrace the Essence of Pure Radiance

Neutro Skin Lemon & Kiwi Gold not only promises a transformative skincare experience but delivers a potent blend of nature's best, right to your skin’s deepest layers. With regular use, step into a world where your skin defies age, radiating health, youth, and vibrancy. Opt for Neutro Skin, and embrace the future of beauty and wellness, where every injection is a step closer to your dream complexion.

Unlock the secret to timeless beauty with Neutro Skin Lemon & Kiwi Gold – where each drop is a promise of purity, radiance, and unparalleled elegance.


Benefits Of Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C Injection :

-Diminishes skin inflammation and wrinkles, revealing a younger you.
-Brightens overall skin tone, leaving you with a luminous glow.
-Enhances skin hydration, ensuring lasting moisture and suppleness.
-Evens out skin discoloration, reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation.
-Repairs and rejuvenates skin cells for a smoother, healthier appearance.
-Shields skin from harmful UV rays, preventing further damage.
-Improves skin texture and elasticity, for a firm, bouncy feel.


Ingredients Of Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C Injection for Luminous Skin :

E-UF Vitamin C (4500mg): Enhances blood circulation, detoxifies the body, and provides a clear, smooth skin texture.
E-UF Collagen (1800mg): Alleviates inflammatory skin conditions and diminishes stretch marks, promoting youthful elasticity.
E-UF Alpha Lipoic Acid (1000mg): A potent antioxidant that repairs skin cells and combats free radical damage.
PDRN (800mg): Hydrates and repairs damaged skin, restoring hydration and vitality.


Usage Guide

Initial Phase: 1-2 injections administered either intravenously (IV) or intramuscularly (IM) per week, for the first month.
Maintenance Phase: Scale down to one injection every two weeks, continuing to nurture your skin's newfound radiance.


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What makes Neutro Skin Lemon & Kiwi Gold unique?

This blend harnesses the antioxidant power of Vitamin C and the regenerative properties of collagen, enhanced by natural extracts for holistic skin health.

How quickly can I expect to see results?

Visible improvements often emerge within the first few weeks, with optimal results developing with consistent use.

Is Neutro Skin suitable for all skin types?

Yes, it's formulated to suit various skin types, but those with specific conditions should consult their healthcare provider.

Can Neutro Skin Injection protect against UV damage?

While it provides some defense, it should complement, not replace, your sunscreen regimen.

What precautions should I follow?

Avoid if allergic to ingredients, and consult your doctor if pregnant, breastfeeding, or having cardiovascular conditions.

Neutro Skin Lemon and Kiwi Gold Advance Vitamin C Injection

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